
A Christmas Carol – El cántico de Navidad: Bilingual parallel text – Textos bilingües en paralelo: English-Spanish / Inglés-Español (Charles Dickens)

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*** Español (for English scroll down) ***

Edicione bilingüe en textos paralelos Inglés-Español.

El cántico de Navidad, Canción de Navidad o Un cuento de Navidad (título original en inglés: A Christmas Carol) es una novela corta escrita por el británico Charles Dickens en 1843. En ella se habla de cómo una persona huraña o tacaña puede cambiar su actitud durante la Navidad.

Ilustraciones por John Leech.
Traducción de Luis Barthe (1883).

*** English ***

Bilingual edition (English – Spanish parallel text) of the famous masterpiece of Charles Dickens.
Spanish easy readers: If you are learning or improving your Spanish or English as second language, grab this bilingual edition containing a bilingual edition of this masterpiece. An easy to read paragraph by paragraph English-Spanish parallel text version.

* On Kindle Paperwhite and Kindle Fire or on newer devices and on Android tablet and smartphone, text is displayed in two columns, one for each language. On older devices, iPad/iPhone and on “look inside” site preview, text will be displayed by alternate paragraphs between the two languages.

** Rotate your device in landscape mode could enhance the visualization of some paragraphs.


This ebook is based on the work of Charles Dickens “A Christmas Carol” published in 1843.

Translation has been made in 1883 by Luis Barthe.

The text of the novel is complete and unabridged.


Learn or improve your English, French, German, Spanish or Italian by reading the bilingual edition of this ebook. An easy to read paragraph by paragraph English-German, English-French, English-Spanish or English-Italian parallel text version.

☛ Grab the free preview (“send sample” button) and give it a try

Other bilingual parallel text ebooks by the same editor

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